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everytime (2009/2019)

improvisational performance, grief ritual, libation


LISA E. HARRIS ​ is independently releasing a sonic time capsule entitled “EVERYTIME” on March 10, 2019 (Studio Enertia.) This 13 minute improvisational freestyle was actualized exactly ten years prior to the release date. “Sometimes you just have to wait for the right time,” the interdisciplinary artist, performer and composer says about her reason for sharing this work ten years in the future. Harris, who is known for creating interdisciplinary creative social activist initiatives like “Cry of the Third Eye”, a new opera film about the gentrification of Third Ward, (which is also a 10 year durational project), or The Free Time Flow Festival at MacGregor Park that celebrates the intersection of basketball with improvisational performance, has long been working with concepts of time and place. Harris says that she wasn’t intentionally paying tribute to Southside freestyle greats like Big Moe or Fat Pat, The latter who also recorded the historic “June 27 “ freestyle on his birthday. “ I just think that’s our culture. An event happens and becomes our shared culture, and somewhere in our memory or body, we recall our subtle rituals and things that we do ceremoniously, on life occasions. That’s how the Happy Birthday song is still a hit. When I went into the studio on my birthday in 2009, I had given myself the gift of studio time, to reflect. That was my birthday gift to myself. And I didn’t have a specific agenda that day, I just wanting to flow.The engineer and producer started flowing with me, all 3 of us improvising, a trio, and almost 14 minutes later, I felt like I had time travelled. I had reconnected with my loved ones that have passed on, really worked through some emotional things in my memory, and basically documented a portrait of myself on my 28th birthday.”
With the 10 year anniversary coming up on her birthday, Lisa E. wants to share his piece of herself with the world. “We all have experienced loss. I’ve experienced more personal loss since originating this freestyle in2009, than any other time in my entire life. I lost both of my maternal grandparents, I lost my house to eminent domain, I lost friends, I lost cousins. And this song has been relevant along the way and has gotten me through some patches. I feel like, maybe it can help my little cousins from the Southside, or my students in Yellowstone, or wherever, process their grief by flowing and breathing through. Singing along. Flowing through the grief process is our heritage, and for me, it’s pretty much a daily practice.”
“Everytime” along with “Everytime - Slo Go Version” was released on all digital platforms on March 10, 2019.


This is an improvisational freestyle. Transcription of text will be available soon.


released March 10, 2019
Lyrics: Lisa E. Harris
Music: Lisa E. Harris, Abraham OniyidePURCHASE ON BANDCAMP:

Cover of Everytime, Photo by Gwen Harris, Text setting by Rory Pabon

Cover of Everytime, Photo by Gwen Harris, Text setting by Rory Pabon